9,181 research outputs found

    Optimizing a PCR protocol for cpn60-based microbiome profiling of samples variously contaminated with host genomic DNA.

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    The current recommended protocol for chaperonin-60 (cpn60) universal target based microbiome profiling includes universal PCR of microbiome samples across an annealing temperature gradient to maximize the diversity of sequences amplified. However, the value of including this gradient approach has not been formally evaluated since the optimization of a modified universal PCR primer cocktail for cpn60 PCR. PCR conditions that maximize representation of the microbiome while minimizing PCR-associated distortion of the community structure, especially in samples containing large amounts of host genomic DNA are critical. The goal of this study was to measure the effects of PCR annealing temperature and the ratio of host to bacterial DNA on the outcome of microbiota analysis, using pig microbiota as a model environment.Six samples were chosen with an anticipated range of ratios of pig to bacterial genomic DNA, and universal cpn60 PCR amplification with an annealing temperature gradient was used to create libraries for pyrosequencing, resulting in 426,477 sequences from the six samples. The sequences obtained were classified as target (cpn60) or non-target based on the percent identity of their closest match to the cpnDB reference database, and target sequences were further processed to create microbiome profiles for each sample at each annealing temperature. Annealing temperature affected the amount of PCR product generated, with more product generated at higher temperatures. Samples containing proportionally more host genomic DNA yielded more non-target reads, especially at lower annealing temperatures. However, microbiome composition for each sample across the annealing temperature gradient remained consistent at both the phylum and operational taxonomic unit levels. Although some microbial sequences were detected at only one annealing temperature, these sequences accounted for a minority of the total microbiome.These results indicate that PCR annealing temperature does have an affect on cpn60 based microbiome profiles, but that most of the differences are due to differences in detection of low abundance sequences. Higher annealing temperatures resulted in larger amounts of PCR product and lower amounts of non-target sequence amplification, especially in samples containing proportionally large amounts of host DNA. Taken together these results provide important information to guide decisions about experimental design for cpn60 based microbiome studies

    Characterization of the fecal microbiota of pigs before and after inoculation with "Brachyspira hampsonii".

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    Brachyspira hampsonii causes disease indistinguishable from swine dysentery, and the structure of the intestinal microbiome likely plays a role in determining susceptibility of individual pigs to infection and development of clinical disease. The objectives of the current study were to determine if the pre-inoculation fecal microbiota differed between inoculated pigs that did (INOC MH) or did not (INOC non-MH) develop mucohaemorrhagic diarrhea following challenge with B. hampsonii , and to quantify changes in the structure of the microbiome following development of clinical disease. Fecal microbiota profiles were generated based on amplification and sequencing of the cpn60 universal target sequence from 89 samples from 18 pigs collected at -8, -5, -3 and 0 days post-inoculation, and at termination. No significant differences in richness, diversity or taxonomic composition distinguished the pre-inoculation microbiomes of INOC MH and INOC non-MH pigs. However, the development of bloody diarrhea in inoculated pigs was associated with perturbation of the microbiota relative to INOC non-MH or sham-inoculated control pigs. Specifically, the fecal microbiota of INOC MH pigs was less dense (fewer total 16S rRNA copies per gram of feces), and had a lower Bacteroidetes:Firmicutes ratio. Further investigation of the potential long-term effects of Brachyspira disease on intestinal health and performance is warranted

    The metaphysical quality that gives the BP Helios visual identity mark its sway

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    University of Technology, Sydney. Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building.This thesis analyses the reasons why BP’s visual identity mark (VIM), known as the Helios, was immediately accepted into the global marketplace following its launch in 2000. At the end of the millennium the merger between BP (UK) and Amoco (US) gave BP the opportunity to reposition itself in the petroleum category. The work is constructed by explicating the objectives of BP’s rebranding, through discussions with the Helios’s design team leader, Courtney Reeser (from brand strategists, Landor Associates), addressing both client’s and designer’s criteria through analysing the aesthetic and branding strategies aimed at the internal and external audiences (viewers/users). BP undertook a new direction towards environmental consciousness and the resulting Helios reinforced the new ‘Green’ ideology of BP with an authentic declaration for change. In parallel with the above, another aspect of this thesis examines the connections between elemental nature-inspired archetypal symbols and contemporary VIMs, in particular the BP Helios, to establish a continuity of intent, application, and influence upon the viewer/user and further advances the understanding for the BP Helios’s success. Engaging areas of expertise not traditionally utilized within visual communication, such as sociology, archaeology, theology, and folklore assist in building an appreciation of the continuity and effectiveness of the use of elemental nature-inspired archetypal symbols within a contemporary context is gained. The Helios possesses similar visual qualities to the Solar Cross, an elemental nature-inspired archetypal symbol. Within these archetypal symbols lies a metaphysical quality Jung referred to as numinosity. This metaphysical quality within a symbol enables that symbol (VIM) to exercise influence over the individual’s and the group’s sense of identity and can act as a galvanizing and motivating force. The BP Helios was rapidly and readily accepted into the global market indicating that the relationship between an elemental nature-inspired archetypal symbol and the VIM generated an immediate a sense of trust and reassurance within the viewer/user. This thesis contributes to the discourse on how VIMs exerts influence over the viewer/user no matter what level of sophistication their society has attained. It aims to offer visual communicators and graphic designers in particular, a more complete understanding of the BP Helios

    mPUMA: a computational approach to microbiota analysis by de novo assembly of operational taxonomic units based on protein-coding barcode sequences.

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    BACKGROUND: Formation of operational taxonomic units (OTU) is a common approach to data aggregation in microbial ecology studies based on amplification and sequencing of individual gene targets. The de novo assembly of OTU sequences has been recently demonstrated as an alternative to widely used clustering methods, providing robust information from experimental data alone, without any reliance on an external reference database. RESULTS: Here we introduce mPUMA (microbial Profiling Using Metagenomic Assembly, http://mpuma.sourceforge.net), a software package for identification and analysis of protein-coding barcode sequence data. It was developed originally for Cpn60 universal target sequences (also known as GroEL or Hsp60). Using an unattended process that is independent of external reference sequences, mPUMA forms OTUs by DNA sequence assembly and is capable of tracking OTU abundance. mPUMA processes microbial profiles both in terms of the direct DNA sequence as well as in the translated amino acid sequence for protein coding barcodes. By forming OTUs and calculating abundance through an assembly approach, mPUMA is capable of generating inputs for several popular microbiota analysis tools. Using SFF data from sequencing of a synthetic community of Cpn60 sequences derived from the human vaginal microbiome, we demonstrate that mPUMA can faithfully reconstruct all expected OTU sequences and produce compositional profiles consistent with actual community structure. CONCLUSIONS: mPUMA enables analysis of microbial communities while empowering the discovery of novel organisms through OTU assembly

    Characterization of the upper respiratory tract microbiomes of patients with pandemic H1N1 influenza.

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    The upper respiratory tract microbiome has an important role in respiratory health. Influenza A is a common viral infection that challenges that health, and a well-recognized sequela is bacterial pneumonia. Given this connection, we sought to characterize the upper respiratory tract microbiota of individuals suffering from the pandemic H1N1 influenza A outbreak of 2009 and determine if microbiome profiles could be correlated with patient characteristics. We determined the microbial profiles of 65 samples from H1N1 patients by cpn60 universal target amplification and sequencing. Profiles were examined at the phylum and nearest neighbor species levels using the characteristics of patient gender, age, originating health authority, sample type and designation (STAT/non-STAT). At the phylum level, Actinobacteria-, Firmicutes- and Proteobacteria-dominated microbiomes were observed, with none of the patient characteristics showing significant profile composition differences. At the nearest neighbor species level, the upper respiratory tract microbiomes were composed of 13-20 species and showed a trend towards increasing diversity with patient age. Interestingly, at an individual level, most patients had one to three organisms dominant in their microbiota. A limited number of discrete microbiome profiles were observed, shared among influenza patients regardless of patient status variables. To assess the validity of analyses derived from sequence read abundance, several bacterial species were quantified by quantitative PCR and compared to the abundance of cpn60 sequence read counts obtained in the study. A strong positive correlation between read abundance and absolute bacterial quantification was observed. This study represents the first examination of the upper respiratory tract microbiome using a target other than the 16S rRNA gene and to our knowledge, the first thorough examination of this microbiome during a viral infection

    Fermentation kinetics including product and substrate inhibitions plus biomass death: a mathematical analysis

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    Fermentation is generally modelled by kinetic equations giving the time evolutions for biomass, substrate, and product concentrations. Although these equations can be solved analytically in simple cases if substrate/product inhibition and biomass death are included, they are typically solved numerically. We propose an analytical treatment of the kinetic equations --including cell death and an arbitrary number of inhibitions-- in which constant yield needs not be assumed. Equations are solved in phase space, i.e. the biomass concentration is written explicitly as a function of the substrate concentration.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Measuring coverage in MNCH: indicators for global tracking of newborn care.

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    Neonatal mortality accounts for 43% of under-five mortality. Consequently, improving newborn survival is a global priority. However, although there is increasing consensus on the packages and specific interventions that need to be scaled up to reduce neonatal mortality, there is a lack of clarity on the indicators needed to measure progress. In 2008, in an effort to improve newborn survival, the Newborn Indicators Technical Working Group (TWG) was convened by the Saving Newborn Lives program at Save the Children to provide a forum to develop the indicators and standard measurement tools that are needed to measure coverage of key newborn interventions. The TWG, which included evaluation and measurement experts, researchers, individuals from United Nations agencies and non-governmental organizations, and donors, prioritized improved consistency of measurement of postnatal care for women and newborns and of immediate care behaviors and practices for newborns. In addition, the TWG promoted increased data availability through inclusion of additional questions in nationally representative surveys, such as the United States Agency for International Development-supported Demographic and Health Surveys and the United Nations Children's Fund-supported Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys. Several studies have been undertaken that have informed revisions of indicators and survey tools, and global postnatal care coverage indicators have been finalized. Consensus has been achieved on three additional indicators for care of the newborn after birth (drying, delayed bathing, and cutting the cord with a clean instrument), and on testing two further indicators (immediate skin-to-skin care and applications to the umbilical cord). Finally, important measurement gaps have been identified regarding coverage data for evidence-based interventions, such as Kangaroo Mother Care and care seeking for newborn infection

    Compact convex sets with prescribed facial dimensions

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    While faces of a polytope form a well structured lattice, in which faces of each possible dimension are present, this is not true for general compact convex sets. We address the question of what dimensional patterns are possible for the faces of general closed convex sets. We show that for any finite sequence of positive integers there exist compact convex sets which only have extreme points and faces with dimensions from this prescribed sequence. We also discuss another approach to dimensionality, considering the dimension of the union of all faces of the same dimension. We show that the questions arising from this approach are highly nontrivial and give examples of convex sets for which the sets of extreme points have fractal dimension

    Compact convex sets with prescribed facial dimensions

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    While faces of a polytope form a well structured lattice, in which faces of each possible dimension are present, this is not true for general compact convex sets. We address the question of what dimensional patterns are possible for the faces of general closed convex sets. We show that for any finite sequence of positive integers there exist compact convex sets which only have extreme points and faces with dimensions from this prescribed sequence. We also discuss another approach to dimensionality, considering the dimension of the union of all faces of the same dimension. We show that the questions arising from this approach are highly nontrivial and give examples of convex sets for which the sets of extreme points have fractal dimension

    The 1979 outburst of U Scorpii

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    Optical and ultraviolet observations are presented of the 1979 outburst of the recurrent nova U Sco. For the first time the evolution through outburst is documented photometrically and spectroscopically. Lines of the following ions are identified: H I, He II, C IV, N III, N IV, N V, O IV, O VI and Si IV. No forbidden lines were observed. Mg I was seen in absorption at a late stage in the decline. The Balmer lines have broad and narrow components which change with time. There is evidence that nitrogen is overabundant with respect to carbon and the helium to hydrogen number ratio is about 2
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